Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Do you want to go the the cemetery?! YEAH!"

This entire trip I have completely sympathized with Adrianne Curry from the first season of America's Next Top Model. She ends up in Paris with a bunch of chicks who want to shop at overpriced boutiques and buy shoes and purses and be boring and spend a lot of money. But all the poor girl wants to do is see Jim Morrison's grave.

Well today, ladies and gentlemen, after several weeks of lame shopping trips (among other things, but still), my friend (the Elise to my Adrianne) and I finally made it to la Cimitiere Pere Lachaise, home of the tomb of Jim Morrison. We also saw Oscar Wilde, Chopin, and Marcel Proust. The cemetery was huge and we actually spent 3 hours just walking around.

We were also too cheap to spend 2 euro on a map so I took a picture of the big one at the entrance and we consulted that throughout our visit.

Also, tonight was supposed to be a really exciting night in Paris, as there are a ton of Bals de Pompiers (Fireman's Balls) at all of the fire stations (pretty much big parties). Unfortunately we waited in line for about two hours talking to a creepy French man who kept making fun of Americans and pissing off our Phillipino friend, and then had to leave anyway because we needed to take the metro home before it closed. It was cool though, we came back to the dorm and made pasta. Equally as exciting.

1 comment:

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

i would love to wander the cemetery. how could anyone think shopping was more fun. i am so jealous that you saw oscar wilde's grave.

-kris adair (from swap-bot)