Saturday, May 17, 2008

Adventures at the French Consulate

So this morning my lovely father woke me up bright and early so that we could venture in to Boston and apply for a student visa. This process has been kind of a daunting task, and everytime I mention the word visa at school, somebody gives me a big sob story about how it take 4 months or 90 days or 15 years and your first born to get a visa. Even the woman at CVS was warning me that I need to start applying for stuff now if I think I'm going to go to Paris in July. I was going to go get my visa once before, but I hadn't read the information very carefully and didn't have a lot of the documents I needed. The list of necessary documents found on the consulate website was almost as intimidating as the horror stories about processing time. But finally I got all of my belongings together and made the journey to Boston.

I would just like to say that everyone who offered me any advice about getting my visa prior to today is a liar. Getting my visa was probably one of the easiest parts of the preparation process. Having all of the necessary documents in order helped, but the wait wasn't long, it was a pretty organized process, and I'm going back on Tuesday to pick up my visa. Yes, this coming Tuesday. 4 days from now, not 90.

The visa process was a huge relief from the stress and disorganization of the process so far. I'm hoping this becomes a theme for the rest of my trip!

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